Physics 251
Fall 2024
Course Materials:
Week 1:
Introduction to Error Analysis
Physics 251 syllabus (tentative)
Overhead slides for week 1
Course notes for week 1: Intro to Error Analysis
Error analysis handout
Due week 2 (in lab): "pre-lab" exercises on error analysis
Week 2:
Python and LaTex tutorials
Google Colaboratory (free, Google account required) YouTube: Intro to Colaboratory (3 min.)
Basic plotting in Python with Colaboratory [pdf]
Overleaf: on-line LaTex editor/compiler (free, registration required)
Overhead slides: Lab Report Guidelines
Lab Report Template [zip folder] [pdf] [pdf of tex file] [tex]
Lab report examples: Electron Diffraction, Fall 2019 Thévenin resistance, Spring 2008
Additional LaTex example [zip folder] [pdf of tex file] [pdf]
Week 3:
Experiment 1: Optical Interferometry, week 1
Instructions: Optical Interferometry
Due week 3 (in lab): "pre-lab" exercises on optical interferometry
Overhead slides: Lab book guidelines
Lab book example (from Mikhailov Lab)
Optional: Tutorial on the "rubber ruler" paradox (LIGO interferometer) [PDF].
Week 4:
Experiment 1: Optical Interferometry, week 2
Lab Report Guidelines
Example Lab Report
Modeling data: Least squares fitting to a straight line
Week 5:
Experiment 2: Blackbody Radiation, week 1
Instructions: Blackbody Radiation
Video: 4-point resistance measurement
Overhead slides: Intro to blackbody radiation
Due week 5 on Tuesday, Sept. 24 on Gradescope: "pre-lab" exercise on blackbody radiation
Week 6:
Experiment 2: Blackbody Radiation, week 2
Python: Non-Linear Least Squares Fits and Log Plots [PDF] [Colab Notebook Link]
Week 7:
Catch-up Week & Fall Break
Week 8:
Experiments 3: Faraday Rotation, week 1
Instructions: Faraday Rotation
Due week 8 on Tuesday, Oct. 15 on Gradescope: "pre-lab" on Faraday rotation