Papers, Theses, Posters, Talks, and Other Documents


Publications :

   S. Du, A. R. Ziltz, W. Miyahira, and S. Aubin
   Suppression of potential roughness in atom-chip ac Zeeman traps
   Phys. Rev. A 105, 053127 (2022). [PDF]

   W. Miyahira, A. P. Rotunno, S. Du, and S. Aubin
   Microwave atom chip design
   MDPI Atoms 9, 54 (2021). [PDF]

   A. E. Blackwell, A. P. Rotunno, and S. Aubin
   Demonstration of the lateral AC skin effect using a pickup coil
   Am. J. Phys 88, 676 (2020). [PDF] [Animation] [Front Cover]

   C. T. Fancher, A. J. Pyle, A. P. Rotunno, and S. Aubin
   Microwave ac Zeeman force for ultracold atoms
   Phys. Rev. A 97, 043430 (2018). [PDF]

   M. P. Nerem, D. Salmon, S. Aubin, and J. B. Delos
   Experimental Observation of Classical Dynamical Monodromy
   Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 134301 (2018). [PDF]

   T. A. Byrd, K. K. Das, K. A. Mitchell, S. Aubin, and J. B. Delos
   Matter, energy, and heat transfer in a ballistic atom pump
   Phys. Rev. E 90, 052107 (2014). [PDF]

   M. K. Ivory, T. A. Byrd, A. J. Pyle, K. K. Das, K. A. Mitchell, S. Aubin, and J. B. Delos
   Ballistic atom pumps
   Phys. Rev. A 90, 023602 (2014). [PDF]

   M. K. Ivory, A. R. Ziltz, C. T. Fancher, A. J. Pyle, A. Sensharma, B. Chase, J. P. Field, A. Garcia, D. Jervis, and S. Aubin
   Atom chip apparatus for experiments with ultracold rubidium and potassium gases
   Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 043102 (2014). [PDF]

   C. Chen, M. K. Ivory, S. Aubin, and J. B. Delos
   Dynamical Monodromy
   Phys. Rev. E 89, 012919 (2014). [PDF]

   T. A. Byrd, M. K. Ivory, A. J. Pyle, S. Aubin, K. A. Mitchell, J. B. Delos, and K. K. Das
   Scattering by an oscillating barrier: quantum, classical, and semiclassical comparison 
   Phys. Rev. A 86, 013622 (2012). [PDF]

   S. Martinez, L. Hernandez, D. Reyes, E. Gomez, M. Ivory, C. Davison, and S. Aubin
   Note: Fast, small, and low vibration mechanical laser shutters
   Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 046102 (2011). [PDF]

   K. K. Das and S. Aubin
   Quantum Pumping with Ultracold Atoms on Microchips: Fermions versus Bosons
   Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 123007 (2009). [PDF]

FrPNC publications:

   M. R. Kalita, J. A. Behr, A. Gorelov, M. R. Pearson, A. C. DeHart, G. Gwinner, M. J. Kossin,
   L. A. Orozco, S. Aubin, E. Gomez, M. S. Safronova, V. A. Dzuba, and V. V. Flambaum
   Isotope shift in the 7s → 8s transition of francium: Measurements and comparison to ab initio theory
   Phys. Rev. A 97, 042507 (2018). [PDF]

   R. Collister, J. Zhang, M. Tandecki, S. Aubin, E. Gomez, G. Gwinner,
   L.A. Orozco, M.R. Pearson, and J.A. Behr
   Photoionization of the francium 7P3/2 state
   Can. J. Phys. 95, 234 (2017). [PDF]

   J. Zhang, R. Collister, K. Shiells, M. Tandecki, S. Aubin, J.A. Behr, E. Gomez, A. Gorelov, G. Gwinner,
   L.A. Orozco, M.R. Pearson, and Y. Zhao
   Efficient inter-trap transfer of cold francium atoms
   Hyperfine Interact. 237, 150 (2016). [PDF]

   J. Zhang, M. Tandecki, R. Collister, S. Aubin, J.A. Behr, E. Gomez, G. Gwinner, L.A. Orozco, M.R. Pearson,
   and G. D. Sprouse
   Hyperfine Anomalies in Fr: Boundaries of the Spherical Single Particle Model
   Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 042501 (2015). [PDF]

   M. Tandecki, J. Zhang, S. Aubin, J.A. Behr, R. Collister, E. Gomez, G. Gwinner, H. Heggen, J. Lassen,
   L.A. Orozco, M.R. Pearson, S. Raeder, and A. Teigelhofer
   Offline trapping of 221Fr in a magneto-optical trap from implantation of an 225Ac ion beam
   J. Instr. 9, P10013 (2014). [PDF]

   R. Collister, G. Gwinner, M. Tandecki, J.A. Behr, M.R. Pearson, J. Zhang, L.A. Orozco, S. Aubin, and E. Gomez
   Isotope shifts in francium isotopes 206-213Fr and 221Fr
   Phys. Rev. A 90, 052502 (2014). [PDF]

   M. Tandecki, J. Zhang, R. Collister, S. Aubin, J.A. Behr, E. Gomez, G. Gwinner, L.A. Orozco, and M.R. Pearson
   Commissioning of the Francium Trapping Facility at TRIUMF
   J. Instr. 8, P12006 (2013). [PDF]

   E. Gomez, S. Aubin, R. Collister, J. A. Behr, G. Gwinner, L. A. Orozco, M. R. Pearson, M. Tandecki,
   D. Sheng, and J. Zhang
   The FrPNC Experiment, weak interaction studies in Francium at TRIUMF
   J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 387, 012004 (2012). [PDF]

   S. Aubin, E. Gomez, J. A. Behr, M. R. Pearson, D. Sheng, J. Zhang, R. Collister, D. Melconian, Y. Zhao,
   V. V. Flambaum, G. D. Sprouse, L. A. Orozco, and G. Gwinner
   Atomic Parity Non-Conservation in Francium: The FrPNC Experiment at TRIUMF
   Nuovo Cimento C 35(4), 85 (2012). [PDF]
   The original publication is available at [link]

   S. Aubin, E. Gomez, J. A. Behr, M. R. Pearson, D. Sheng, J. Zhang, R. Collister, D. Melconian, V. V. Flambaum,
   G. D. Sprouse, L. A. Orozco, and G. Gwinner
   The FrPNC Experiment at TRIUMF: Atomic Parity Non-Conservation in Francium
   Proceedings of the PANIC 2011 conference, p. 555-557, AIP (2012).[PDF]

   E. Gomez, S. Aubin, L. A. Orozco, G. D. Sprouse, E. Iskrenova-Tchoukova, and M. S. Safronova
   Nuclear Magnetic Moment of 210Fr: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Approach
   Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 172502 (2008). [PDF]

Ph.D. Theses:

   Shuangli Du, Ph.D. thesis, 2021.
   AC and DC Zeeman interferometric sensing with ultracold trapped atoms on a chip [PDF]

   Andrew Rotunno, Ph.D. thesis, 2021.
   Radiofrequency AC Zeeman Trapping for Neutral Atoms [PDF]
   Rabi map animations: F=1, 2 (UZ wires) [GIF], UU wires phase table [GIF], U wire [GIF], Z wire [GIF]

   Andrew J. Pyle, Ph.D. thesis, 2019.
   Scattering a Bose-Einstein Condensate off a Modulated Barrier [PDF]

   Charles Fancher, Ph.D. thesis, 2016.
   AC Zeeman Force with Ultracold Atoms [PDF]

   Megan Ivory, Ph.D. thesis, 2015.
   Experimental Apparatus for Quantum Pumping with a Bose-Einstein Condensate [PDF]

   Austin Ziltz, Ph.D. thesis, 2015.
   Ultracold Rubidium and Potassium System for Atom Chip-based Microwave and RF Potentials [PDF]

Undergraduate Theses:

   Jordan Shields, honors thesis, 2023.
   Materials Characterization for Microwave Atom Chip Development [PDF]

   Cate Sturner, honors thesis, 2023.
   Development of a 780 nm external cavity diode laser for rubidium spectroscopy [PDF]

   Sal Rego, senior thesis, 2023.
   A Microwave Analog of a Quantum Double Well Potential [PDF]

   Kerry Wang, senior thesis, 2022.
   Developing software for controlling an ultracold atomic apparatus [PDF][talk]

   Morgan Logsdon, honors thesis, 2022.
   Co-Planar Waveguides for Microwave Atom Chips [PDF]

   Stephen Rosene, senior thesis, 2022.
   Progress Toward Microwave Near-Field Manipulation of Micro-Objects [PDF]

   Sindu Shanmugadas, senior thesis, December 2021.
   Measuring the Magnetic and Electric Fields of a Microwave Lattice for Atom Chip Development [PDF]

   Andrew Beling, honors thesis, 2021.
   Progress Towards Electromagnetic Manipulation and Trapping of Micro-particles [PDF]

   Bennett Atwater, honors thesis, 2020.
   Upgrade of a Laser Cooling and Trapping System for Ultracold Potassium Atoms [PDF]

   Anne Blackwell, honors thesis, 2019.
   Median Energy Imaging of Supernova Remnants with Chandra X-ray Observatory [PDF]
   External research advisors: Dr. D. Castro and Dr. R. Montez Jr., Center for Astrophysics, Harvard Smithsonian.

   Kameron Sullivan, senior thesis, 2019.
   Simulation and Prototype Construction of Microwave Atom Chip Components [PDF]

   Quinton Olson, senior thesis, 2019.
   Thermal, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering of an External Cavity Diode Laser [PDF]

   Megan Frayser, senior thesis, 2019.
   Photography of Physics [PDF]

   Chloe Lewelling, senior thesis, 2018.
   Electromagnetic Simulations of Microwave Trapping Structures [PDF]

   Benjamin Halkowski, honors thesis, 2018.
   External Cavity Diode Laser for Ultra-cold Atom Experiments [PDF]

   Ian Hage, honors thesis, 2016.
   Development of a Digital Offset Laser Lock [PDF]

   Andrew Hall, senior thesis, 2015.
   High Current Switch [PDF]

   Elana Urbach, honors thesis, 2014.
   Development of an Ultracold Rubidium-85 System for Magnetic Molecules and Feshbach Resonance Physics [PDF]

   Harrison Cantor-Cooke, senior thesis, 2014.
   Construction of an Agile, Controllable Radio Frequency Source [PDF]

   Isabelle Lee, honors thesis, 2013.
   Feshbach Resonances in Ultracold Atoms [PDF]

   Brian Chase, senior thesis, 2012.
   Developing a Dipole Trap Laser for the Purpose of Cold and Ultra-Cold Molecule Production [PDF]

   Alexander Gvakharia, honors thesis, 2012.
   Develpoment of an Ultracold Atom Atomic Clock [PDF]

   Lauren White, senior thesis, 2012.
   Development of a Digital Laser Offset Lock System [PDF]

   Francesca Fornasini, honors thesis, 2010.
   The Application of Four-Wave Mixing to Cold and Ultra-Cold Atom Imaging [PDF]

   Brian Richards, honors thesis, 2010.
   Frequency Space Measurement of the Spectrum of a Mode-Locked Diode Laser [PDF]

   Justin Winkler, honors thesis, 2009.
   Agile Radio Frequency Source for Hyperfine Manipulation of Ultra-Cold Atoms [PDF]

   Trevor Harrison, senior thesis, 2009.
   Mode-Locked Diode Laser for Precision Optical Frequency Measurements [PDF]

   Brian DeSalvo, honors thesis, 2008.
   Mode-Locked Diode Laser for Precision Optical Frequency Measurements [PDF]


   S. Aubin and K. K. Das
   Quantum Pumping Scheme with Ultracold Atoms
   Poster presented at DAMOP 2009, Charlottesville, VA (2009). [PDF]

   M. Ivory, J. B. Delos, and S. Aubin
   An Experimental Scheme for Observing Dynamical Monodromy with Ultracold Atoms
   Poster presented at DAMOP 2009, Charlottesville, VA (2009). [PDF]

   A. Garcia, B. DeSalvo, and S. Aubin
   Apparatus for Ultracold Fermion Interferometry
   Poster presented at DAMOP 2008, State College, PA (2008). [PDF]


   S. Aubin
   FrPNC at TRIUMF: Atomic Parity Violation in Francium
   Invited talk at the PAVI 2011 conference, Rome, Italy (September 2011). [Talk, 5 MB]

   S. Aubin
   FrPNC at TRIUMF: Atomic Parity Violation in Francium
   Invited talk at the PANIC 2011 conference, MIT (July 2011). [Talk, 5 MB]

   S. Aubin
   Laser Cooling and Atom Lasers
   LaserFest 2010, Small Hall open house (November 2010). [Talk, 4 MB]

   S. Aubin
   RF and Microwave Near-Field Traps for Ultracold Atoms
   Video seminar for the Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, Mexico (May 2010). [Talk, 19 MB]

   S. Aubin
   Quantum Physics and Ultra-Cold Matter
   High school presentation, Washington, DC (December 2009). [Talk, 15 MB]

   S. Aubin
   UltraCold Matter Technology for Many-Body Physics and Interferometry
   Seminar at University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (May 2008). [Talk, 32 MB]

   S. Aubin
   UltraCold Matter Technology for Many-Body Physics and Interferometry
   Colloquium at Fordham University, Bronx, NY (March 2008). [Talk, 32 MB]

   S. Aubin
   UltraCold Matter Technology for Many-Body Physics and Interferometry
   Seminar at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA (April 2007).[Talk, 16 MB]


Microwave simulations
Introduction to FEKO tutorial [PDF]
Manual for using FEKO on the W&M high performance computing cluster[PDF]
How-to guide for performing FEKO parameters sweeps (and setting the out-of-core location)[PDF]
Cate Sturner's summer 2021 report: "Gus" microwave monitor system, coax/CPW-to-microstrip simulations [PDF]
CPW in FEKO: How to make an edgeport for a CPW transmission line (W. Miyahira) [PDF]

CPW in Sonnet: How to make a CPW transmission line (M. Logsdon) [PDF]

HFSS docs: Intro to HFSS [PDF] and HFSS user guide [PDF] (microstrips: see sec. 6.5, p. 390).

Web page updated: May 22, 2023.